Review: Betrayal of Mercia by MJ Porter

I'm delighted to welcome back MJ Porter at Ruins & Reading, with my review of Betrayal of Mercia, the latest in Icel's adventures in early medieval Mercia. It's a series well worth checking out!

Betrayal of Mercia is currently on blog tour with Rachel's Random Resources. My thanks to Rachel and to Boldwood Books for a copy.


Betrayal of Mercia

MJ Porter

Having read every title in this thrilling adventure series, I couldn't wait for this one. And, boy, what a cracking read Betrayal of Mercia is!

We are in Londonia – then still split into two halves: the ancient roman Londinium and the later expansion of Lundenwic, on either side of the River Fleet. It was chosen as the place to hold the trial against Queen Cynethryth for treason, and an attempt at murdering Lord Coenwulf's two children – rivals to Cynethryth's son, Wigmund, in the Royal bloodline of Mercia. Their abduction features in earlier novels, and it's well worth reading the series from the beginning, to understand all the individual ambitions. However, this novel reads well as a standalone adventure, as the author has added details of the story so far.

Icel is still recovering from wounds received when he and his fellow warriors captured a woman, Brihthild, who was involved in the conspiracy to abduct Lord Coenwulf’s children. She is to give evidence in a trial many regard with great trepidation.

Early on in Betrayal of Mercia, we read much about Icel's thoughts on the whole sorry mess, which makes for a bit of a slow start. But soon enough, the pace quickens as events chase each other dramatically.

When Cynethryth attempts an attack on Brihthild during the trial, Icel jumps in, and she promptly changes her aim, injuring him before she is apprehended. The queen is confined into a locked cell. And the story takes off from there.

Unexpectedly, the Mercians are faced with a large force of West Saxons, keen to get their hands on Brihthild. A fire breaks out in Lundenwic, and fighting ensues all over the town. Forced to flee, King Wiglaf heads into a forest – with Icel on his heels, keen to protect the king from any marauding groups of West Saxons. But they get lost!

Meanwhile, Queen Cynethryth has her own plans...

Will the Mercians prevail in the face of such a sneaky attack by their West Saxon enemies? And will the queen be brought to justice after all, or will she be able to evade it? And who else is involved in this latest treachery? Plenty of questions for Icel to ponder. Read the novel to find out!

Betrayal of Mercia is a thrilling read, full of medieval political intrigues. And whilst it appears the traitors are obvious, finding proof is an entirely different matter.

The kingdom of Mercia had gone through quite a few changes in preceding decades, where peace never lasts long. MJ Porter knows the era and the characters involved extremely well, and, again, this shows on every page. The research is impeccable, and the setting, battle scenes, the treatment of injuries, and interactions between the characters all appear authentic. As a reader, you do have a strong sense of having entered London in the early Middle Ages.

I love this series, and Betrayal of Mercia is a brilliant addition to it. Fast-paced, with the usual dry sense of humour, some light but appropriate swearing, and with a plethora of scheming characters, who always challenge the status quo. 

Icel's character develops nicely, as he is fully aware of his secret birthright – through an earlier Mercian king – but has no intention to share this news with anyone. He values his life as a warrior of Mercia more than a chance at becoming her 'king', and with it the never-ending conflicts. 

The ending feels a little final, but I hope we'll see Icel again, as Mercia was never peaceful for long. Surely, there will be another book to keep us so highly entertained and informed on early medieval Mercian politics...

Betrayal of Mercia is another brilliant read by MJ Porter. Highly recommended!



A King in crisis, a Queen on trial, a Kingdom’s survival hangs in the balance.

Londonia, AD835

The deadly conspiracy against the children of Ealdorman Coenwulf is to be resolved. Those involved have been unmasked and arrested. But will justice prevail?

While the court convenes to determine the conspirator’s fate, King Wiglaf’s position is precarious. His wife, Queen Cynethryth, has been implicated in the plot and while Wiglaf must remain impartial, enemies of the Mercia still conspire to prevent the full truth from ever being known.

As Mercia weeps from the betrayal of those close to the King, the greedy eyes of Lord Æthelwulf, King Ecgberht of Wessex’s son, pivot once more towards Mercia. He will stop at nothing to accomplish his goal of ending Mercia’s ruling bloodline.

Mercia once more stands poised to be invaded, but this time not by the Viking raiders they so fear.

Can Icel and his fellow warriors triumph as Mercia once more faces betrayal from within?


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About the Author:

MJ Porter

MJ Porter is the author of many historical novels set predominantly in Seventh to Eleventh-Century England, and in Viking Age Denmark. They were raised in the shadow of a building that they believed housed the bones of long-dead Kings of Mercia – so their writing destiny was set. 

The first novel in their new Anglo-Saxon series for Boldwood, Son of Mercia, was published in February 2022.


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