Promo: Autumn and The Silver Moon Stallion by VP Felmlee

Today, I'm delighted to welcome author VP Felmlee to Ruins & Reading. She writes about a subject close to my heart: abandoned animals! So it's with great pleasure that I'm sharing a snippet from the last book in her Abandoned Trilogy, Autumn and The Silver Moon Stallion. Have a look!

Autumn and The Silver Moon Stallion is currently on blog tour with The Coffee Pot Book Club. Check out all the other fabulous snippets HERE!


Autumn and the Silver Moon Stallion

The Abandoned Trilogy, Book #3

by V P Felmlee


The filly was coaxed out of the old trailer and down the sagging wooden ramp by the man and led several feet away. Her halter was taken off. She had always worn these tight pieces of leather around her muzzle, and it was strange not feeling them bite into her flesh.

The man walked back to the trailer. Her ears flicked in curiosity. The door slammed with a loud "Bam!"

The truck started, gears ground, and it pulled away. The empty trailer rattled and bounced over ruts and rocks.

Seconds later, she was alone.

Hmm, she thought. This was a strange field. No fences. No gates. Her tail whisked back and forth as she stepped forward a few feet. She bent down to pull at a strand of wild grass. It was sweet, and tasted better than her usual feed. She saw another patch, and ate it, too.

Now she was thirsty and smelled water. Following the scent, it led her down a gentle slope to a river bank. She had never seen a river before, and watched the strong current rush by for a few minutes. 

She carefully stepped over and around small stones, then splayed her legs to bring her muzzle to the water, pursed her lips, and drank deeply.

This water was good, fresh, and clean. Much better than the dirty, rancid water she was usually given. The water was swift and she was careful to stay on the bank and out of the mud.

Dusk was settling in. She wasn't concerned. She was always outside, in a field with no shelter or covering against wind or cold or heat, so this was normal for her. Better than normal.

All in all, she thought, I'm in a better place than I was before.




An abused, neglected filly is abandoned on a remote country road, left to die.  A young woman grieves the loss of her best friend, the champion horse she had built her life and future around.  The heir to one of the largest ranches in Wyoming comes home to face the ire and disappointment of his grandfather.  A world-renown scientist clashes with the U.S. government over a brutal, decades-long war to decide the fate of thousands of  mustangs, a beloved icon of  the American West.

Autumn and The Silver Moon Stallion is their story of love, hatred, and death.  Will their struggles give them hope to fight for their beliefs, or tear them forever apart?

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This book is available to read on #KindleUnlimited.


About the Author:

V P Felmlee

V P Felmlee is the author of The Abandoned Trilogy: Price Tadpole & Princess ClaraGood Boy Ben; and the third book in the series, Autumn and the Silver Moon Stallion.

A former newspaper reporter and editor, she has a degree in geology, and has been active in historic preservation and animal welfare issues. Her articles have appeared in several magazines and she has won numerous awards.

She will be the 2025 president of Women Writing the West and lives in Grand Junction, Colorado, with her husband, two dogs, and six cats.

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