Review: Covered in Flour by Charles Presti

Today, I'm delighted to share my review of Covered in Flour, an evocative and completely immersive coming-of-age novel by Charles Presti. Check it out!

Covered in Flour is currently on blog tour with The Coffee Pot Book Club. Check out other fascinating posts here!


Covered in Flour

Charles Presti

Covered in Flour tells the story about young Carl Pozzi, growing up in 1960s suburbian America. A far cry from the tumultous riots that hit urban areas, his world is about playing with his friends – and his mother's delightful pasta dinners.

Carl is a clever boy, with an open, inquisitive mind, whose world expands beyond childhood games as he grows older. He's keen to learn, and trying to understand more and more what's going on around him.

But reality finally encroaches when he receives a ring binder, which reveals details he's never had to think about. His teacher is keen for the kids to realise that not everyone lives in utopia, but that racial tensions are real. The fight for equality and mutual respect is real.

On the other side, Carl's father firmly disagrees with the teacher's opinion, and his racist views are at times hard to read. His disappointment in the lack of his son's sporting prowess is also showing, leaving the boy in a dilemma of how to please the father he really adores.

Torn between the two opposite views, Carl laps up all the information he learns, but he's becoming fully aware that there are things he can't discuss at home. All the while, the familiar daily routine like baking, eating, and staying close to his family, continues, enveloping him in a cocoon from which he can only glimpse at the outside world. 

But with the riots getting out of control, and his father involved in quenching them, Carl must form his own views of what's happening. Will he follow his teacher's guidance, or will his father's strong views shape young Carl's future? Read the book to find out!


Covered in Flour is an evocative story that pulls you into its cosy setting to start with. The scent of baking in the air, the delicious food Carl grows up with, his mother's love, and the hopes and dreams of a young boy growing up during a volatile period in America's history – it all sets the scene perfectly. We can easily visualise this suburbian idyll. 

But it's soon disturbed by external events, and by the teacher's attempt at showing the children what is really going on. This makes for uncomfortable reading, both for Carl and us, especially as his father is trying to instill in Carl views that are deemed racist and radical these days.

The author's voice shines through this story, and the narrative is personal and easy to follow. We see the world through young Carl's eyes, and he remains close to us readers all the time.

Covered in Flour is an evocative tale of family, friendships, love and obedience, and of learning and discovery. It's an immersive story of growing up during a time of severe social, racial, and political upheaval, and we get a close glimpse at the dark side of the riots, of the violence, and a child's fear for his father's life.

At the same time, we grow with Carl as he discovers that his own views differ from his father's. And as he learns about the world outside his home, Carl's real journey only just begins...



It's 1968 in Whisper Haven, and 8-year-old Carl Pozzi’s world is about to change.

For eight-year-old Carl Pozzi, 1968 begins like any other year—playing kickball with friends and enjoying the comforting aroma of Mom's pasta dinners in their predominantly white suburban Whisper Haven home. But when Carl's teacher introduces lessons about racial prejudice and injustice, his worldview cracks wide open.

How far can innocence stretch before it snaps?

As Carl flips through the pages of his 3-ring binder, each lesson serves as a gateway to a journey of self-discovery and understanding. It's an expedition that not only changes him but reshapes his whole concept of family and justice—especially as he watches his father put on a police uniform during one of the most fraught periods in American history.

"Covered in Flour" is not just a heartfelt stroll down memory lane. It's a captivating coming-of-age saga that digs deep beneath the surface of suburban tranquility. It beckons you to reconsider long-held family values and confront the societal norms you've taken for granted.

Written with genuine love, humor, and a tinge of sorrow, this story blends the nostalgia of tradition with the inevitability of change, offering a stirring mix that leaves you pondering long after the last page is turned. This book isn't just a delightful read; it's a catalyst for introspection, freshly baked and served for your soul.


About the Author:
Charles Presti

Charles Presti, emerging from the sun-drenched shores of Pensacola, Florida, crafts narratives that echo with the richness of his varied life. His journey from a USF College of Medicine graduate to a storyteller is as unconventional as it is inspiring.

Drawing from his days as a physician and informatics specialist, Charles infuses his writing with a rare blend of scientific precision and heartfelt emotion. His debut novel, "Covered in Flour," is a vivid tapestry of his Italian-American heritage, his experiences in the whirlwind era of the 1960s, and his personal journey as a gay man. These elements converge to create stories that not only entertain but resonate deeply with themes of family, discovery, and the delicate dance of life's everyday moments.

Charles's passion for storytelling is paralleled only by his commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion. Alongside his husband, Mike Bruce, and their beloved Wheaton Terrier, Zoey, he is a vibrant force and founder of "Sunday's Child," a local charity dedicated to nurturing inclusion and empowering LGBTQ+ and  other marginalized communities through grants to local charities. A pillar in the Emerald Coast Writers group, he continually explores the nuances of identity, heritage, and a sense of belonging.

Discover more about Charles's captivating world and "Covered in Flour" at, where each story is a window into a life lived fully and authentically.

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